Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Earned Position's Compensation Plan 2.

Hi Guy's, I have explained  the Compensation Plan for you to understand the Earned position. The ACN Compensation Plan  is designed to help you build your business to produce a long-term residual income. This is the documentation that will explain step by step  how this is achieved. There is also a need for speed in order to receive these  Promotional Bonuses particularly for New ACN IBO's as their is a timeframe of 30 day's for one and 60 day's for the other.

The Earned Positions are achievable to all ACN IBO's Independent Business Owners. These are the Earned Positions in their specific order of advancement;

1) Qualified Team Trainer (QTT)
2) Executive Team Trainer (ETT)
3) Executive Team Leader (ETL)
4) Team Coordinator (TC)
5) Regional Director (RD)
6) Regional Vice President (RVP)
7) Senior Vice President (SVP)

When you join ACN you are automatically a TEAM TRAINER(TT), you must qualify to become a Qualified Team Trainer(QTT) - earned position 1;  just by acquiring 7 Customer Points from 3 separate customers or 3 different service, as explained in my previous Blog ACN Compensation Plan which provides you with the Full List of Customer Point Value.

To move up from a Qualified Team Trainer (QTT),  to an Executive Team Trainer (ETT) - earned position 2; you must have at least 10 active personal customer points, and have 2 (QTT's) at any level in your organisation  to reach ETT within 30 day's, will qualify you  to receive your $250.00 Promotional Bonus.

Once your qualified as an  Executive Team Trainer (ETT), your next position to acquire is Executive Team Leader (ETL) - earned position 3; you must have at least 15 personal customer points, and one person achieve  ETT at any level  in  your organisation, to reach ETL in 60 day's will qualify you to receive $750.00 Promotional Bonus.

Please read through the Compensation Plan to understand exactly how the Earned Positions are achieved and if you have any questions email me here at, take care and god bless. 


The ACN Compensation Plan 1.

Hi Guys, this is the Compensation Plan which is designed to help you to build your business into an immediate long-term residual income. This is an incentive for you to work your way up into earned position's which will give you leverage to earn you more.

These are the level's you will move up into as you progress with acquiring customers or IBO's, so I will break these step's  down for you to understand how you will earn these positions.

Your first position as you join is a Team Trainer(TT), your next level to move up to will be a Qualified Team Trainer (QTT),  this position is achieved through acquiring at least 7 customer points which are from 3 separate customers or 3 different services that will amount to 7 customer points (e.g Phone Service; All Plans = 3 Customer points plus 100% (Line rental and local calls are commissionable at 50%) , Energy Australia Electricity and Gas Plan; Service Type; Residential,  = 1 Customer Points - 50% of 60% is commissionable at standard rates and Digital Phone Service Plan; Unlimited Plan = 3 Customer Points 100% (Equipment revenue is not commissionable) these 3 services equal 7 Customer points; the choices are entirely up to you, if you choose to become a customer yourself to acquire these points  or  the customers or IBO's you recruit helps you to   move you up into the QTT position.

 Here is the ACN's full list of Customer Point Values and Commissionable Revenue that will qualify you to achieve this position: